So… My Life has Completely Changed in 5 Months
Aug 12, 2020There has been a beautiful process of releasing everything I thought I needed to be open to receiving everything I ever wanted…
In March everything shifted... for me, looking back, I can't believe how much has changed for me personally. I won't bore you with the details but here are the highlights:
I temporarily moved to Denver! Yup, you read that. The opportunity came up to stay in Denver for the summer and I took it! Within 72 hours I dropped off my leased Cadillac, moved out of my apartment, and hit the road!
Shar'Enterprise is CLOSED! I closed my agency after 9 years to pursue what I had already been doing, focusing on one-on-one marketing coaching, speaking and digital course. This was over a year in the making, but I handed off my last account in May.
I co-founded a tech company! My business partner and I joined forces and created the Pretty Simple App -- a sales tracker app and launched it to Beta users. It's been a HUGE success and is now moving into development for the public in the coming months! (A waitlist is open)
I've launched 2 amazing digital courses: My Facebook Ads For Visibility (got picked up by App Sump!) course and $0 to $10k Coaching Program! Coming up? Social Media: How To Be Anywhere Without Going Anywhere!
I dyed my hair brown: This is probably the MOST important... I needed a change and with salons closed, I went to Target (gasp!), got a box of dye and I'm back to brunette... for now.
I started a low-cost group accountability program: Momentum is knowing the goals, breaking down the steps and then ACTUALLY implementing them. I know not everyone can afford a marketing coach, but I wanted to create a space where I could give back and spend some energy helping! You can see details here: Activation + Accountability Group
Most importantly, I got my life back. After running a team of 6 over 4 time zones with clients in 6 states... I was exhausted. My passion has always been content creation and working with people one-on-one, being completely virtual and also having time and energy to enjoy life a little bit. It's only been within the last 2 weeks that I've finally felt recovered after working so hard for so long...
What's next?
In the next few months, I'll announce my more permanent residence (any guesses?!), I'll get to enjoy spending time on more content (free and paid) and working with dynamic business owners from San Diego to New York To Honolulu To Anchorage.
Thank you for being an amazing part of this journey... I wouldn't be able to do anything with YOU. Your business, love, support and comments on my MANY Instagram stories! lol!
PS, if you see yourself having some of the same goals and want to work with me to get there, you can check out my one-on-one program here >>> Activation Program
And feel free to message me on Facebook or Instagram and let me know your thoughts...
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