
The Thoughts of a Latina Tech-Founder and Marketing Coach

Business Tip: Get Reviews! Mar 10, 2020

First of all, I love all the love! I am so blessed to have some amazing testimonials from my clients. It legit makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Real talk though, if you are running a business or are a professional that gets business from referrals, reviews are a MUST. 

First of all,...

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The Power is in the Decision Feb 09, 2020

Any given week I talk strategy with over dozens of businesses…

whether in a mastermind, course, client or social media. I live in this space... and the number one thing that holds people back from hitting the next big level in business or life is this step... the deciding.

We spent so...

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Leave those ‘To-Do’ Lists Behind (New Years Resolutions) Dec 09, 2019

January of every year brings about thoughts of goals and resolutions.

What do we want and what are we going to do to get it? I am all for it... but as I wrap up this year, I am also acutely aware of what I need to release in order to level up.

We set goals each year and most people won't make it...

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Why I Won't (Can't) Answer Your Quick Marketing Questions Oct 30, 2019

It's not that I won't, it's that I can't. Doing so would be a disservice to you and me, and here's why... 

The Quick Question: 

Here are some of the “quick” questions I get, usually from strangers:

  • “What social media platforms should I use?”

  • “How often...

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What is "Website Maintenance" Anyways?! Sep 10, 2019

This is a hot topic in my world, and something we have to explain over and over, so I thought I would break this down for you. You’ve built your site, it looks gorgeous, but why do you need to maintain it and why on earth would you need a professional to do so? Well, good news, if you...

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Why Do We Even “Do” Social Media? Aug 14, 2019

The answer: to build relationships.

There are a lot of elements about social media, both positive and negative, that can be analyzed. Today, I am addressing the professional or business owner who is staring at their screen, with no idea what to post or why even bother.

We build relationships...

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Why Notifications are Killing Your Vibe & Productivity Jul 08, 2019

Did you know the constant activity from your phone can not only keep you from being present in conversation but really affect your overall quality of life?

In the age of technology there is constant access to vast amounts of information. The basket overflows; people get overwhelmed; the eye of...

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The Gratitude Point: Focusing On The Positive During Total Chaos Mar 13, 2019

You know that feeling, when it seems like everything is crumbling around you. Everything thought stable, is gone? It’s a necessary process… because now, my dear, you are freeing space for things so much better than you had before.

I’ve been there before, and lately I’ve...

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Holding On Too Tight: The Potentially Fatal Flaw Feb 11, 2019

If you hold sand in your hand, it stays put. When we tighten our grip, it begins to flow through our fingers… Why do we instinctively hold on tighter when we want something? 

If you have spent more than two minutes with me, especially if you work with me, you know that growth happens...

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Doing Your Best: How Perfection Holds You Back Jan 14, 2019

Hi. My name is Sharon Gutierrez and I am a perfectionist. 

At least, I used to be. All of the “perfection” you’ve never seen, because it was never released. If I wasn’t feeling particularly skinny/great hair day/energetic/etc. then I wouldn’t do a video and if I...

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Living Fearlessly Like You Had No Idea: What Is Your Word For 2019? Dec 29, 2018

2018 My Word Was Fearless…

And I lived that word over and over again. Very few people have seen behind the scenes of how damn tumultuous this year was. It was literally during Christmas last year that I had nothing left. I didn’t know how to make ‘it’ work.

  • I was...

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Are You Obsessed or Stuck? How to get “unstuck” when you get 'behind' in life... Dec 19, 2018

Are you feeling OBSESSED or STUCK!?

This is one of the most important messages you may read for the rest of this year...I want you to know, we all get behind. 

We start things with the best intentions. We want to do things better, faster, with amazing results! We work out. We take...

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